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Valley of the Dolls
1970 Sharon Tate, Patty Duke
Almost five decades ago, Valley of the Dolls -- Jacqueline Susann's best-selling novel -- was the talk of the country.
Now, under the skilled aegis of Director Mark Robson and Producer David Weisbart, this frank and fascinating contemporary entertainment has come to screen life. Twentieth Century-Fox released this Panavision, DeLuxe Color attraction in 1967.
Cast as "the dolls" are: Barbara Parkins, star of TV's popular "Peyton Place" series for three years, playing Anne Welles, the well-bred New Englander who arrives in New York with bright-eyed innocence. Patty Duke, Oscar winner for "The Miracle Worker" and star of her own TV show, in her first adult part -- the irrepressibly talented singer, Neely O'Hara. Sharon Tate, lovely, blonde star-to-be with three as yet unreleased major films, portraying Jennifer North, the body beautiful and the girl vulnerable. And Susan Hayward, five-times-nominated Oscar winner back for her first made-in-Hollywood film in four years, starring as long-time Broadway star Helen Lawson.
Also starring are four handsome leading men who provide the romantic interest, and problems,
for the "dolls": Paul Burke, Martin Milner, Charles Drake and talented newcomer, Tony Scott 1.
Essentially, the story focuses on four women caught up in the heady world of show business and follows their lives as the tensions and disappointments increase, and some of them turn to pills and stimulants for "escape."
For all its realism, the Robson-Weisbart production is lavishly mounted as befits its background. Internationally known designer Travilla has created more than 120 costume changes for the leading ladies alone.
The company traveled to New England and New York, capturing breath-taking country snowscapes and the unique flavor of Manhattan theatrical life. Original songs by Oscar-winning Andre Previn and his wife Dory, for the characters played by Patty Duke, Tony Scotti and Susan Hayward, lend an exciting musical dimension to the dramatic film. Click here for more
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