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The Sensualist
1965 Ilona Lys
Karma, a tall busty Danish girl, arrives in New York after an unhappy love affair in Denmark. In Greenwich Village she meets a coffee house waitress, Sharon, who invites Karma to stay at her apartment. Arriving at the apartment, Karma is introduced to New York life when a boyfriend of Sharon's, Robert, enters the apartment and makes love to Sharon in the shower with Karma looking on. Sharon has invited people over for a party that same night and a wild party ensues with a girl named Louise and Sharon competing in a sexy savage strip-tease. Karma, still depressed about Denmark, leaves the party and goes to the roof where she is raped in the wind and the rain. The next day, Karma has agreed to see Robert because she wants her revenge on men. When she arrives she teases him and strikes him with her high heel but then succumbs and makes love to him. Sharon, who takes her pleasure where it can be found, returns from work and tries to make love
to Karma. Karma rejects her and when Sharon discovers that Robert has been there a fight breaks out, vicious at first but ending in laughter. Days pass. . . Karma paints, wastes time and walks the streets of the city. She makes a date to meet Robert at a theatre on 42nd Street, but when he does not arrive she goes home. There she finds Sharon in bed with a disgusting man who strokes Karma's legs when she enters. Later that night after Karma has wandered the streets alone Sharon tells her to relax and enjoy herself and not take everything so seriously. "Go to bed with them, but don't trust them or think about them," she advises. A series of sexual encounters follows. Man after man, after man. Sometimes Sharon brings women over but Karma refuses them. One day two friends who are in love with each other visit the apartment. Karma is jealous of their love and misses her former boyfriend in Denmark and the love they had at one time. She gets drunk and does a drunken strip-tease in front of the mirror. The next morning a friend of Sharon's arrives and makes love to the two girls. Karma goes into the bubble bath and is joined by Sharon as soon as the friend has gone. Here Karma's first lesbian experience occurs. This is followed by a feeling of disgust for the life she has been leading and its lack of fulfillment. She packs her bags and tells Sharon she is leaving. The film ends as Karma is again seen wandering alone in the city streets. . . destination unknown. RUNNING TIME: 73 MINUTES
Karma ............................... Ilona Lys Sharon ............................... Ann Kirton Louise ............................... Carolyn Canton Robert ............................... Daniel Tomaso Yvonne ............................... Michelle Roberts with Astrid Paul Phillipe Lemari Kim Strong John Stanton Rachel Delarue Ondine Le Bourget Michael Sims Peter W. Schneider Barbara Brent Janet Lund Mix ............................... Yal Peters Sound ............................... Sid Washer Camera ............................... Peter Goldman, Simon Nuchtern Editor ............................... Peter Rostov Assistant Cameraman .................... Ansley W. Berlin Script Girl ............................... Riva Freifeld Original music by .......................... "The Connections" Produced and Directed by ................ Aram Emanuel