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Sins of Rachel
1972 Ann Noble
Sins of Rachel: An intriguing look at life, death, social morality and love. A many - faceted story that will keep audiences watching and wondering from beginning to end. Our story takes place in the small California resort town of Lake Elsinore, not far from Palm Springs. Into this quaint, beautiful, setting comes Rachel Waring, a complicated woman whose 4areer as on actress and nightclub entertainer is all but washed up. This is where she got her start all those years ago at the Club on the Hill, and now the Prodigal Daughter returns home to write her memoirs. Memoirs that not only encompass her career on the road, BUT also have to do with many prominent people in Elsinore. Word travels rapidly in a small town; not only about the book, BUT about the odd relationship she seems to have with her son, Jimmy. Rachel has touched many lives in Elsinore, some in a good way, some not so good. Her own life has been driven by frustration and anger only matched
by the obvious hate and fear long tirpe residents have for her. Doctor Thomas, County Coroner, had an affair with Rachel while he was still married to a woman whose untimely demise followed shortly thereafter. The doctor's son, Peter, who possesses a violent temper was released from prison shortly before Rachel's return and works in Elsinore as an electrician. Why, when he isn't in the gym working in the heavy weights is he high in the hills taking out his frustration with the knives, axes, lethal kicks and deadly blows of the ancient art of Kung Fu? He knows about Rachel and his father and blames her for his mother's death. Enter Hank Gregory: good lookingm talented, an entertainer at the Club on the Hill. Rachel must think his talent has no bounds; at least she is impressed enough to pay him for his affections with a little cash and more importantly many promises of the right introductions that never come. There's Jimmy, Rachel's son; normal enough.. .that is, if you consider sleeping in your Mother's bedroom at the age of 20 normal. He doesn't like it, and he doesn't like her. You might even say he HATES his mother. Let's talk for a moment about the good Reverend Taylor; a holy man; a pillar of the community. They say familiarity breeds contempt, and that's true with the Reverend and his daughter, Shirley. She doesn't think her father is either holy or a pillar of the community. She doesn't think of him at all except with contempt. But why1' Could it be because he seems to hate Jim Waring so much and doesn't want his Shirley to have anything to do with him? Possibly But further than that, even further than Shirly can see is an overwhelming urge, even a fantastic need to see Rachel Waring and her son out of town as fast as possible. If you were to draw hate and venom to you like a lodestone finds North, you might find yourself dead one day, and that is the plight of one Rachel Waring, has-been Since nearly everyone wanted her dead ,\or at least out of town, where would you begin to look for the murderer? Of course there are suspects. But, are the suspects as suspect as those who might not be as suspected of being suspect? Where do you start? Detective Bruce Jennings doesn't know either, but he'll find out. With training in the New York Police Department as a positive, and an inexperienced deputy as a negative, he begins the arduous task of talking to a lot of uncooperative people. He has a long way to go to find the murderer, but that's his job. Your job is to see if you're sharper than he is Better be on your toes, because Jennings may figure out whodunit before you do …
CAST of Sins of Rachel ANN NOBLE .......................... Rachel JEROME SCOTT .......................... Hank BRETT MARRIOTT .......................... Bruce Jennings INTRODUCING BRUCE CAMBELL .......................... Jimmy PATRICIA REES .......................... Shirley Also Starring CHASE CORDELL as Peter Thomas FEATURING FRED SCOTT .......................... Chester Brown DAHR LIN .......................... Jane STEPHEN LESTER I .......................... Rev. Taylor ESTELLE MILMAR .......................... Mrs. Porter WITH Dick Fontaine .......................... Psychologist Scott Webley .......................... Deacon Terry Lemoine .......................... Mike Lori Duncan .......................... Mrs. Wilson Kirk Honeycutt .......................... Dunlap Jerry Emerson .......................... Policeman Berlan Irwin .......................... Ambulance Driver Scot Arden .......................... Ambulance Attendant Bruce Globig .......................... Dr. Thomas Jack Hinrichs .......................... Chuck Jon Hayes .......................... Photographer Derek Cordier .......................... Bartender Mel Sparks .......................... Beer Man Robert Davido .......................... Customer Gerald Strickland .......................... Croupier Angel Carter .......................... Las Vegas Girl Bob Witt .......................... Pit Boss Credits for Sins of Rachel PRODUCED & DIRECTED by .......................... R. FONTAINE Associate Producer .......................... J. SCOTT Screenplay by .......................... ANN NOBLE Cinematography by .......................... HAL ROTH Assistant Cameraman .......................... R. MIZER Production Manager .......................... EDWIN GARCIA Editors .......................... R.E. DUSBABEK S.V. TAMlSO~: Kung Fu Scenes Staged by .......................... C.C. RIDER Makeup .......................... LORRAINE PETTIT Sound .......................... EDWIN GARCIA Assistant Director .......................... DICK DURANT Assistant To The Producer .......................... C.C. RIDER Script Supervisor .......................... ELIZABETH ANNE Key Grip .......................... JACK SHEEK Costumes by .......................... MONTHEND SAYLE Set Construction by .......................... LESTER PHILCOX Interior Set Dresser .......................... SHARON SHEEK Sound Re-Recording .......................... CINE SOUND Titles by .......................... BOCK EFFECTS Sound Services .......................... VIDEO VIEW Music Scored & Conducted by .......................... ROBERT BASSETT Color by .......................... EASTMAN COLOR Processing & Release Prints by .......................... PACIFIC FILM INDUSTRIES HOLLYWOOD Custom Motorcycle, Courtesy .......................... C.C. RIDER Theme Music by .......................... SAM FULLER, AL CHORNEY A ZENITH FILM HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA U.S.A.