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Sin in the Suburbs
Directed by Joe Sarno
1962 Alice Linville, Dyanne Thorne
When Kathi Lewis (ALICE LINVILLE), a 16 year-old high school girl in a suburban community resists the advances of her boy-friend, the youth impulsively slaps her. The hurt and terrified girl flees home in panic. There she encounters a second and even more shattering blow. She finds her mother Geraldine (AUDREY CAMPBELL) in the throes of a current, illicit love affair. In her headlong flight from her house, Kathi runs into the arms of Yvette Talman (LAHNA MONROE), a sympathetic but immoral neighbor who is scheming with her lover, Louis Muse (W. B. PARKER) to involve the bored and pleasure-seeking housewives and those husbands amenable to extramarital temptations in a love cult. Yvette manages to soothe Kathi who confides in the older woman. As time goes by, Kathi repeats her visits to her new friend with whom she forms a teenage crush which ultimately develops into a deeper and more destructive relationship. In the meantime, Lou is busily laying the groundwork for the club, anticipating a handsome financial reward. As the first step in
the final phase, he contacts Gerri, whom he considers a catalytic key in organizing a paying group of members. Shocked, but at the same time intrigued by the idea, Gerri assembles a select group of her partners in pleasure and attends the first meeting at which Kathi is also present. Gerri is unaware of her daughter's presence, however, since everyone in anonymous in cloak and mask. As the women become more and more involved in the activities of the club, Lisa Francis (MARLA ELLIS), whom Gerri has enlisted, is smitten with deep guilt feelings which almost drive her to the brink of insanity. Peggy Thomas (ELLA DAPHNI), another woman introduced to the club by Gerri, one who already drinks to excess to deaden the pain of her guilt, becomes more sodden. Gerri, however, seems to take the whole thing in her stride. As the money rolls in, Lou becomes aware of the relationship between Yvette and Kathi and he grows concerned. Confronting his partner, he demands she give up the girl. Reluctantly, she agrees to do so. Before the next cult meeting, Yvette gives Kathi a tender "brushoff." Deeply hurt at this new turn of events, the girl nevertheless attends the meetings. During the activities, extremely sensual in nature, Gerri finally becomes aware of her daughter's presence through the scent of an unusual perfume that Lisa Francis had given Kathi. With a hysterical outburst, Gerri clears the room. Alone, the disillusioned woman sobs in the dimly lit clubroom. She hears a slight movement in the background. She calls to Kathi who emerges from the blackness. Mother and daughter face each other with all pretenses torn aside. There in the flickering, eerie half-light, Geraldine Lewis has laid at her feet the spawn of her selfishness, her indifference, and her abandonment of her daughter to her own all-consuming sinful passions.
LOJEARE PRODUCTIONS, INC. presents Sin in the Suburbs THE CAST Kathi Lewis ....................... ALICE LINVILLE Louis Muse ....................... W. B. PARKER Geraldine Lewis ....................... AUDREY CAMPBELL Yvette Talman ....................... LAHNA MONROE Lisa Francis ....................... MARLA ELLIS Roy Minton ....................... RICHARD TATRO Scott Lewis ....................... DEREK CRANE Peggy Thomas ....................... ELLA DAPHNI Cliff Haddison ....................... CHARLES CLEMENTS Jimmy Reed ....................... WAYNE ROBERTS Tad Benton ....................... JOHN ARISTEDES Larry Harket ....................... WILLIAM DONALDSON Henry Francis ....................... JOSEPH GARRL Pam ....................... MARl KISELLE Teen age girl ....................... CARLA CONNERS THE CREDITS Produced by ....................... BURTON BRADLEY Associate Producer ....................... HAROLD BRADLEY Written and Directed by ....................... JOE SARNO Director of Photography ....................... JIM MARKOS Film Editor ....................... JIM MARKOS Music by ....................... SAM FEIDEL A.S.C.A.P. Makeup by ....................... VINCENT LO SCALZO Costumes by ....................... FLORENCE RYAN Running Times ....................... 82 minutes "The sensational clubs! Partners in pleasure! Wild bottle parties!"; "the whole scandalous story... Shock by shock!" (tagline) The movie opens with a roving wife putting the moves on the bill collector, who happens to be her husband's brother! Next we peek into the lives of several desperate housewives, who are seeking more fulfillment than their 9 to 5 husbands can provide. A club is formed. There are robes and masks. The fee is $100 per month. Sin in the Suburbs lives up to its name. The musical score is surprisingly good - really makes the movie flow well.
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Sin in the Suburbs Pressbook 12x14 folded