The story of Seven Daring Girls a Manson Film Release, revolves around seven girl students from a high-class Swiss school who decide to take a trip after they graduate in search of adventure. Their vacation starts with fun and excitement but the excitement becomes something more than that which they were seeking. They encounter danger such as they never dreamed was possible. What begins as a thrill trip ends in near tragedy. The experience that these seven young girls encounter is something that will live in your memory for a long time.
Seven Daring Girls is filled with a gripping suspense and tension as they find themselves caught in a turmoil of misadventure. In Seven Daring Girls, you will find seven of the most glamorous, beautiful, exciting girls that you have seen on the screen in a very long time. You will live through their exciting adventures as you learn what happens on an innocent vacation that turns into a nightmare. You will see seven girls who begin their adventure as young happy girls go through an experience that they can never forget and that you will never forget. A real treat is in store for those who seek thrills, adventure and a bevy of beautiful girls when you see Seven Daring Girls.
Cast of Seven Daring Girls
MANUEL ...................... ADRIAN HOVEN LIZ ...................... ANN SMYRNER MURDOK ...................... JAN HENDRIKS COLETTE ...................... DOROTHY GLOCKLEN TRIXI ...................... BEATRIX NORDEN LEBLANC ...................... DIMITRIJ BITENC MUHAZZIN ...................... KURT LUDWIG FELIPE ...................... SLAVO SCHWAIGER SONJA ...................... DORA CARRAS KATRIN ...................... KARIN HESKE PAT ...................... HERTHA RIEDLE MERCI ...................... NINA SEMONA