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Tokyo, Japan
Scarf of Mist, Thigh of Satin
"SCARF OF MIST - THIGH OF SATIN" deals with an industry well known for the below table buck and the underhanded deal. New York's bustling garment center serves as the background for this story. The new fashion house, owned by Betta Clay and Drucilla Harmon, is precariously financed and in danger of failure. Drucilla's designs are not selling on this year's market and the resultant tensions and undercurrent resentments are serving as a wedge between the girls. Hani Kroner, a young immigrant who wants to break into the fashion world, visits Jenya Radik, one of the showroom models. Jenya, seeing some of Hani's sketches, and knowing they have value, plans to use them to help herself and the failing company. Before she can start her plan into operation, however, she is fired for an indiscrete affair with the production manager of the firm. Her boyfriend, Neil Furman, who shares her bed and board, beats her up when he realizes his meal ticket is about to be punched "cancelled." Jenya then
decides that Hani's designs will be her key back in. She approaches Betta with the designs, claiming they are her own. Betta, impressed with the work thinks she has a new designer and a way out from her non-producing partner. Using the sketches as her trump, Betta hastily forms a new partnership with Paul Dan and Norma Palmer, a buyer for a large group of department stores. They devise their plan to get rid of Drucilla. Betta has Paul write a note to Drucilla arranging to meet her. Betta then arranges for Drucilla to attend a party where she knows the theme will be adult games. Drucilla, easily susceptible, falls into the mood of the party and abandons herself to the delights of the orgy. Jenya, Neil and Hani watch as the girl lets all her inhibitions drop. The mood changes abruptly when Betta, Paul and Norma walk in. Drucilia realizes that Betta now has what she needs to split the partnership. She is given the axe in front of the group and rushes out of the office. Betta then offers a toast to her new designer, Jenya. To Jenya's dismay, Betta divulges her salary, which Jenya has lied about to Neil and Hani. Neil is enraged and pulls a gun ...