adult films. "She is so intensive in her acting," says Stone, "that when we are making love, her whole body is actually hot, you think she might explode from the heat of her body and it drives you deeper into the scene with this devastating sexuality or sensuality, call it what you want. As a woman she'll drive you crazy, as an actress in adult films, she'll leave you stunned." Vickie Lyon, an accomplished stage actress, admitted that she had had many offers to do X-rated adult films. "I never felt any of the scripts were any good, they had no story, only a lot of fucking. I don't have to do that on the screen to make me happy in my own sex life, and I certainly didn't need the money," says the beautiful Vickie. "After I finished reading the script for 'Portrait of Seduction,' and talking to Tony Spinelli (the director) for a number of hours and asking many questions such as, will you put what's in the script on the screen and will that mean that all the sex will be motivated by the dialogue and the actors. I was happy with his answers and told him I would do the film." When asked how she could keep motivated through all the scenes and with all the sensational sex in the film, Miss Lyon said, "It's like having a split personality, what do they call it, schizophrenia, right? Every day that we were shooting 'Portrait' I was Kelly Lane. Totally and completely. Even between takes I was Kelly. Then when 'Portrait of Seduction' wrapped up its shooting, I became Vickie Lyon again. If you're an actress, that's how you do it."