Chuck and Barney, our hapless heroes, find themselves stranded in Germany. In an attempt to finance their trip home, they meet a luscious fraulein whose father owns a beer hall. Taking jobs as waiters, Barney in his usual way makes a shambles, of the place. They move on to serve as bodyguards for Miss Bavaria. Then it is on to a fabulous nightclub where in addition to thrilling contact with the girls of the club, Chuck unfortunately has a go at the boss' girl friend, and he is the biggest gangster in Bavaria. Seeking a hideout from the gang, they stumble into a sensational "hotel" that Barney mistakes for a sorority house. Unable to pay for their "night's lodging", they end up having to work there until they steal a van and head for the hills. In the snowy Bavarian Alps they meet some gorgeous girls who invite them to a swinging party in a spa with pooi and princesses. In the sensuous roundup of fun and frolic, who should be the honored guest, but the owner of the Nightclub! Do the boys escape his vengeance? Do they get back to America? What country will they end up playing fun and games in next? See Playgirls of Munich for the answers to all these questions. RUNNING TIME: 79 MINUTES CAST: GRETCHEN KOLBER KAREN HAPSBURG SYLVIA REYNARD With: ILSA HOFHERR BRIGIDA DANZIGER GRETA SPERLING ANITA KOCH MARTHER ZELLER MARLENA SPEER ERICA von FURSTENBERG KRISTIN HOLZ LISELOTTE GRUBER ROGER CAINE AS CHUCK ZEBEDY COLT AS BARNEY CREDITS: Cinematographer AL BRITTANY Sound JOHN REYNOLDS Gaffer JEREMY WYMAN Grip PATRICK SAMUELS Production Manager RALPH CODY Editor WILLIAM HAWK Written, Produced and Directed by NAVRED REEF Click here for more