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Midnight Plowboy
1974 Christie Anna
Teaser Storyline for Midnight Plowboy Ever since some city girls came for a visit to Pa's farm, Junior hasn't been the same. lie's been hankering to see the Big city-any city-and first-hand feast his eyes on all those beautiful girls walking around in expensive clothes, and see what-all's going on in the world. Man-oh-cow! That's a place a fellow's just plain gotta see! Our young adventurer hitch-hikes across the whole U.S.A. One of his rides is offered by a friendly couple heading west. And that's right neighborly of them. In fact, too neighborly- 'specially when the wife moves to the back seat, snuggles close to him, and proceeds to eat him up alive. Junior doesn't understand about husbands who get their kicks by just looking, lie nearly freezes with panic when friend husband glances at the back-seat activity through the rear-view mirror. As it turns out, traveling can be broadening, traveling can be fun, long as you just go along with the game and show 'em how even a country boy
can loosen up and get with it. He waves goodbye to his two hospitable traveling companions as they let him off on Sunset Strip, in Hollywood. Hordes of hippies, sunshine and a New Freedom! But they sure do talk a strange lingo . . . all that "Out of sight, man! Far out! Fall by my pad." But when someone calls out, "Cool it, map. Here come the pigs!'' Junior's right on home territory. Pigs on a fancy big city street like sunset Strip? All he can see arc two policemen standing in front of him. When one of them asks, "What's your problem?" he replies, ''I'm lookin' for the pigs, sir." It's not easy for Junior to figure out how to mix in with city folks, until he's at last befriended by two Flower Children who take him under their wing. his inquiry about a "boardin' house" is misinterpreted. The girl-hippie hitches a ride for him, and he's spirited away to a whorehouse. One of the gay boys attempts th make the scene with Junior, but the lavender would-be lover gets nowhere because Junior has not yet acquired the knack of understanding subtleties. At first Junior is welcomed with open a ms-until it becomes apparent that he's broke. When he explains that he's looking for a place to say, the Madam takes pity on the newcomer. She fixes him up with a room, and assigns some chores so he can earn his keep. The girls of the house are thrilled to have a young virgin aboard, and proceed enthusiastically to change the situation. Junior can't believe all the goin's-on, but holds up remarkably well. Before long Junior's presence inspires a new, exciting business. The girls pitch in to buy a van, and Junior at the wheel drives them arorund town. It's the new Rent-A-Bang deal-the latest in far-out curb service! Business is great until the rival pimps decide to put a stop to the enterprise. They don't intend to stand by and.suffer any further business losses. They issue a warning, with the implication of bodily harm if they catch sight of the Rent-A-Bang truck cruising around town. Leave it to Junior; he saves the day by arranging for the "operational service" to go to sea on a yacht, no less. And who knows where the next port-of-call will be for their floating Rent-a-Bang. Ship ahoy, mateys!
CAST of Midnight Plowboy JOHN TULL .......................... Junior NANCEE .......................... Madame JACK RICHESIN .......................... Herb TERRI JOHNSON .......................... Wife DEBBIE OSBORNE .......................... Bernice CHRISTY ANNA .......................... Sally AR-LINDA McCRAE .......................... Natalie CREDITS for Midnight Plowboy Music by .......................... HAL SOUTHERN & HAROLD HENSLEY Director of Photography .............. ROGER DO BECK Operator .......................... BOB BEND Sound Mixer .......................... TED BOTKIN Gaffer .......................... BRENDON KELLY Production Manager ....................... JIM ANDRIEN Script Supervisor ........................ MARLENE BUCKALEW Screenplay by .......................... BUCKALEW Produced and Directed by ............ BETHEL BUCKALEW