A beautiful young California couple joins a swinging key club in this fast-moving race against time. With $81000 at stake, they mix business and pleasure in an attempt to find out which one of their loving young partners has the special key that they must have. With a premise that the old values are fast dying, Keys presents a set of important and attractive alternatives, including bold, uninhibited, guilt-free lovemaking. Columnist-critic IS Cutler has called Keys the sensuous film of the year, and states: "In terms of sex appeal and sheer enjoyment, 'Keys' leaves the others gasping for breath. The tender young girls are milk-fed perfection . . . the story is constantly engaging and suspenseful . . . the love sequences seem to affect the audiences like hypnosis." Destined to become a cult film of the sexploitation genre, Keys delivers pure pleasure in every colorful and exciting moment.