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1970 Sharon Mitchell
On the subway, at the airport, in the streets, in the most unusual and "impossible" locations, Joy tells the story of a young, innocent, teenage high-school girl who is introduced to sex in an unexpected and unusual way - rape! Once initiated, however, she can't get enough. Soon she is making nightly forays through the dark streets of the city in an attempt to recapture the ecstasy of her first encounter - but with the tables turned! Lucky "rape victims", blown out of their minds, won't identify her to the police because they think it's the most wonderful thing that ever happened to them in their entire lives. Joy's exploits hit the headlines and in a flash, fun city goes sex crazy with women raping men all over town. In an effort to quell the overnight rash of female rapists, an all out girl-hunt is launched by the authorities. Unfortunately, Joy is caught and the madness subsides. However, in "intimate negotiations", the police lieutenant in charge of the investigation is persuaded to
release her, but only after exacting a promise that she leave town - and never return. Expected to behave, Joy arrives, forlorn and lonely. She spots two sailors and a pilot going into th~ men's room and she can't resist. The old twinkle returns to her eyes and she dashes in after them. . . . Here we go again!
CAST SHARON MITCHELL MELINDA MARLOWE JAKETEAGUE RICHARD BOLLA GLORIA LEONARD VERI JUSTINE FLETCHER URSULA BROOKE MARCO JAY PIERCE FRANK KENWOOD JESSE WILSON Written by .......................... HARLEY MANSFIELD and DEREK DAVIDSON Produced by .......................... DEREK DAVIDSON Directed by .......................... HARLEY MANSFIELD Original music score by ............... MARTIN LEWINTER Director of photography .............. KEITH McGOVERN Editor .......................... JAMES F. MacCRELL Production Manager .................. PETER KING Art Director .......................... PIERRE deLOT Sound .......................... SOLOMON GEMORRAH Running Times: Explicit Version 75 min. Non Explicit Version: 70 min. Click here for more
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