What has been termed the most shocking motion picture ever made, "THE Incredible Sex Revolution," was released in 1969. The film is even more shocking, because every word of it is true. The fruit of two years of research, and two years of filming all over the world, by Albert Zugsmith, who made "WRITTEN ON THE WIND," "TOUCH OF EVIL" and' "FANNY HILL," "THE Incredible Sex Revolution" is based on the world renowned Dr. Gladden Study on Changing Sex Mores In Our Modern Civilization. Famed California psychology professor, Dr. Gladden himself appears in the feature, supported by Hampton Fancher, 111, Alex D'Arcy, Ric Marlow, Christopher Warren, and introducing two of the most beautiful girls in the teen-age world, Lovey Song and Racey Tempo. The new Dr. Kinsey, Dr. Lee Gladden of Riverside College, is now completing his study on Changing Sex Mores In Our Modern Wor1d, neck and neck with Albert Zugsmith, who has completed the motion picture version, after two years of filming, all over the world, under the title of "THE Incredible Sex Revolution." The feature film stars a young Los Angeles girl, Janet Loule, who had a small role in Walt Disney's LT ROBINSON CRUSOE" . Janet has had her name changed to Lovey Song, and put under contract to Famous Players Corporation, producer of the smash success, 'FANNY HILL: MEMOIRS OF A WOMAN OF PLEASURE.'