In Her Odd Tastes Christine Hunter continues the bizarre experiments started by Charles Odman in the highly successful film, "ODD TASTES." In retracing Odman's search into the nature of the absolute, perfect pleasure. This lust for the total, sensual awareness is carried to the most fantastic heights ever portrayed on film. Chris's encounter with ancient devil worship ritual is almost for every adult theater viewer. Hong Kong, World Capitol of sensuality and erotic drugs is the first stop in Christine's travels. Her invitation to pleasure from a desert Shiek encompasses the complete range of a potentate's hospitality. In the remote wilderness of Central Africa, a Youth's unfortunate sexual experiences lead Christine into a twisted, extraordinary situation. The Shocking ending to this film is one of the most climatic ever seen by the viewing public. For a really moneymaking bill, book Her Odd Tastes along with "ODD TASTES". RUNNING TIME 72 MINUTES