Harem Bunch
War and Piece
Teaser Storylinr for "The Harem Bunch" The year is 1982. A gentleman is entering a men's clothing store in Tel Aviv. Once inside he is approached by one of the owners, Ali. Before long it is apparent the sale is not going well, so Ali hails his partner Irving. As Ali shows the customer some of the garments, Irving begins a sales pitch by changing the subject. He asks the customer if he could believe that just 12 short years ago he and his partner All were the most bitter enemies. Intrigued, the customer listens as the secne fades to 1970 Irving was a General in the Israeli Army during its war with the surrounding Arab nations. He had just arrived at a plan to entice the Arabs to attack, which would give the Israelis an opportunity to gain revenge, as well as to avoid provoking the U.N. The plan was to send three girls behind enemy lines, with each carrying half of the secret message. The message was information about
a shipment of supplies, that was, of course, false. Soon the girls were on their separate ways; Tobtosky disguised as a farm girl driving a jeep, Shwartz as a member of Shiek Aswan's Harem, and Kaplan as a Camel boy. According to plan they were captured and imprisoned in the chief Arab's Tent. The Older men agreed that torture was the only way to get them to tell the information, but Ali, the son of Acabah, the leader, felt otherwise. He had been educated in the United States, and thought he could use 'gentle persuasion to get them to talk. Although he was overruled by the elders, Ali disguised himself as Rudolph Valentino, burst into the tent, and took them away to safety. He took them, in fact, to his suite at the best hotel, where he wined, dined and seduced them all in turn. He even got the information out of them, which he reported to his elders, but since he believed in peace, Ali allowed the three girls to return to their homeland. Since both sides knew of the plan, a stalemate existed, and from there peace for all ultimated evolved. Back in the clothing store in 1982, Ali and Irving give proof that there is indeed peace now, because Irving married Shwartz, and Ali dates the other two! Running time: 80 Minutes