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Doctor, I'm Coming
1971 Anna Meers
"DOCTOR I'M COMING" is the patriotic yet very passionate probe into the world of government sponsored sexchiatry, where Dr. Peter Phallic is the recipient of a U.S. government-grant. Enabling him to study and probe hopeless nymphomaniacs . . . Daily, he personally gets involved in dozens of cases. His lovely head nurse is Minnie Cummings. Minnie was the clinic's very first patient. Incurably oversexed, she now works in the clinic so she can get her much-needed therapy whenever she feels the need. And she feels it often. Rounding out the clinic's staff are Dr. Oral Ensertian, the strange little Armenian who never removes his surgical mask and Dr. Hardy Stiff, the ever-ready emergency doctor. "DOCTOR I'M COMING" covers an average day's work in the clinic of Dr. Phallic. One by one, the stream of patients come and go, pouring out their heart-rendering and laugh provoking stories to Minnie. Patients, like desperate and tormented Myrna Brokenbridge who was hopelessly drawn to ltalian men and refused to let a nice one by. Young and
lovely Elner Eager, the suicidal native who attempted to take her own life with a sex toy. But perhaps nothing is more touching, than when the pretty redhead, Virginia Barritt, while receiving therapy from Dr. Ensertian, finds herself a part of a real-healing miracle. Just like in the Italian movies. Enter the government man. Sent from Washington to investigate the operations of the clinic the big question was, was this man Uncle Sam's representative from Washington, AC or DC? In a scene that will bring a smile to every red-blooded American, see the government get screwed by Nurse Minnie in retaliation for the screwing she felt the government had been giving her for years. His cries of '1Mercy" went unheeded. . . or was it really, "Merci"? "DOCTOR I'M COMING" is a film that will leave you with a new respect for medical sexchiatry as they introduce for the first time in American films, sextechniques designed to rid you of any hang-ups you may have. THE FILM THAT IS JEST WHAT THE DOCTOR ORDERED!
CAST DR. PETER PHALLIC .......................... John Helmes (A DR. WHO PROBES DEEPLY INTO HIS PATIENTS) NURSE MINNIE CUMMINGS .......................... Anna Meers (AN INCURABLE PATIENT SUFFERING SEXUALLY) DR. HARDY STIFF .......................... Dan Ivans (THE EMERGENCY DOCTOR. . . ALWAYS READY) MYRNA BROKENBRIDGE .......................... Cece Wilson (A PATIENT WITH A SIZEABLE PROBLEM) VIRGINIA BARRITT. .......................... Ida Blue (A MIRACLE-WORKING NYMPHOMANIAC) ELNER EAGER .......................... Sara Hardt (THE NATIVE WHO TRIED SUICIDE WITH A SEX TOY) DR. ORAL ENSERTIAN .......................... Chuck Arce (THE WILD ARMENIAN DOCTOR OF FEW WORDS) THE GOVERNMENT MAN .......................... Ben Camp (HE WAS FROM WASHINGTON, BUT WAS HE AC OR DC) DIRECTED BY .......................... Rod Killy PRODUCED BY .......................... David Stefans SCREENPLAY BY .......................... Michael Davis PHOTOGRAPHED BY .......................... Manny White SOUND BY .......................... Val Earth MAKE UP .......................... Sharon Gantry WARDROBE .......................... Doris of Mariposa MUSICAL SCORE .......................... Happy Helen Hunter SCRIPT GIRL .......................... Hortense Ragen