Teaser Storyline for The Blood Drinkers The story is laid in a small village invaded by a group of vampires: Marco is the leader, Tanya, La Gordo, a dwarf, his associates. The reason for Marco's coming to this particular village is that the twin sister of the girl he loves lives there. His girl, Christine, is at the verge of death... it is necessary for Marco to transfer the heart of Christine's twin sister, Charita, into Christine's body. Christine has been living off blood and has become a vampire. Christine's mother, Donya Marisa, has accompanied Marco. She left the village seventeen years before taking only Christine with her, leaving the other twin with the brother of her husband. Her husband committed suicide shortly after Donya Marisa left. The vampires cause many deaths waiting for Marco to strengthen Christine for the heart transfer. The priest and the local police attempt to combat this evil. A young man, Victor, has come to the village with his sister for a vacation and he falls in love with Charita.
Marco finally decides it is time to perform the operation. Through sorcery and a vampire bat under his power, he forces Charita to come to him. Her mother tries to protect her but Marco commands the bat to kill the mother. Meanwhile Victor, the priest, the police and the villagers are marching to Marco's hideout. Together they drive wooden stakes into the hearts of the vampires and rid the village of them. Marco escapes, Victor rescues Charita, and the village returns to normalcy. Starring Amelia Fuentes Directed by Gerald de Leon A Hemisphere Picture