Bella, the teenage daughter of a well to do family, returns home unexpectedly from school one day and is horrified at seeing her mother having a passionate sex interlude with the handsome young neighbor, Tom. Never having actually seen something like this before, she remained completely hypnotized by the action taking place before her eyes, and as it continued and developed into oral sex, Bella began to experience a sensation she had never felt before. That night, in bed, she could not stop thinking about the meeting between her mother and Tom that, in addition to the fact that she could hear the blissful moans and groans coming from her parent's room next door, made her begin to fondle herself, finally ending up in a full scale masturbating session. Having become obsessed with the desire to experience the complete ecstasy and joys of love making, she forces her attentions on her mother's lover, Tom, and finally seduces him. After many incidents and love sessions, neither Bella nor her mother will give up their hold on Tom and decide to solve their problem in a unique way. Mother and daughter would share him, not individually, but together! A CHRISTOPHER DUNCAN PRODUCTION STARRING TRACY ADAMS AS Bella ALSO STARRING ERIC EDWARDS o DANA STONE o ARCADIA LAKE o JAKE TEAGUE WRITTEN AND DIRECTED BY ALEXANDER KULBELKA CINEMATOGRAPHY: CARTER STEVENS MUSIC BY THE ROME SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA RUNNING TIME: 85 MIN.