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Ann and Eve
1973 Gio Petre
Ann (GlO PETRE) and Eve (MARIE LILJEDAHL) are vacationing by car in sunny Yugoslavia. At the hotel by the Adriatic Sea, 18-year-old Eve, girlishly rhapsodizes about her fiance back home in Stockholm, and of her wedding, a fortnight away. Ann, 80, i3 without illusions. Deprived of real love by a demanding journalistic career, 8he i8 determined to prevent the younger, weaker woman from achieving happiness. She puts down the concept of pure love and of remaining faithful to one man. Ann 8trongly advises Eve to put the two-week holiday to good use by enjoying diverse affairs and hopefully shedding her innocent view of life. Eve e8chew8 thi8 cynical counsel, stoutly maintaining that nothing evil can happen to two people who really love each other. But Ann set8 herself up as Eve'8 mentor and, hiring a fishing boat for a picturesque glide down the coast, allows a fisherman (HEINZ HOPF) to 8educe her in front of Eve. To add to her shock, Eve discovers that the two-man crew has been hired overnight.
The second fisherman (IGNAC PAVKOVIC), soon overcoming her resistance, finds Eve a complete outlet for his sexual desires. When Eve wakes up in the morning, she is alone on the boat. Left naked on the deck, with only an old sack thrown over her, she is observed on the quay by the hotel porter (JULIAN MATEOS) who opens the cabin door for her to enter and dress before he walks away. Debased and disgusted by what has happened, Eve lo8es belief in the existence of pure and romantic love. She is now easily victimized by Ann, who continues to emphasize the naivete of living with only one man. Men are only sexual partners to be used and disposed of. The males in the resort towns are willing. The two girls find themselves rivals over the handsome hotel porter. He, in turn, uses the situation fully: the older woman's sexual search for a younger man, and Eve's sexual hunger for an experienced lover. Ann hadn't counted on Eve's complete abandonment of virtue coming so soon. Nor had she bargained that the younger Eve was to be a rival. Eve takes the clerk away from Ann and now seek8 to experience everything she possibly can in the erotic field. With a flamboyant night club singer (OLIVERA VUCO), she discovers a splendid baroque temple completely devoted to the rituals of lesbianism. Ann, meanwhile, attempts to woo a famous Italian movie director (FRANCISCO RABAL), who, quick to see the destructive forces within her, firmly rejects her and her philosophy. Ann realizes she has lost her hold on Eve. Student has far out paced mentor. In a violent scene, Eve leaves for Stockholm. Hitchhiking a ride on a truck, she is now subject to her worst degradation. The four truckers draw cards to determine the sequence in which each will enjoy Eve's body. As the truck rolls through northern Italy, Eve is repeatedly taken by each of the truckers in turn. Arriving in Stockholm, Eve marries her fiance. It is as though the events of the past two weeks did not matter. Or did they?
CHEVRON PICTURES presents an Omega Film in color Ann and Eve A film by ARNE MATTSSON Starring GIO PETRE MARIE LILJEDAHL FRANCISCO RABAL JULIAN MATEOS OLI VERA VUCO Also starring Bozidarka Frait, Heinz Hopf, Erik Hell and Nevenka Filipovic Produced by .......................... Lennart Berns Directed by .......................... Arne Mattsson Executive Producer .......................... Bert Syndberg Screenplay by .......................... Ernest Hotch Music composed by .......................... Bengt-Arne Wallin Color Print by .......................... Movielab RELEASED BY CHEVRON PICTURES A Division of Cinecom Corporation Aspect ratio: 1.85 .......................... Rated "X" Running Time: .......................... 89 minutes Click here for more
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Ann and Eve pressbook