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All the Loving Couples
1970 Barbara Blake
"Change partners" is the theme of the action in All the Loving Couples but the exchange is performed on a more primitive level than that of square dancing. The film is a study of wife-swapping as practiced by its devotees across the nation who refer to themselves as swingers and who defend their activities as aboveboard and mutually agreeable rather than clandestine anti deceitful. The action of All the Loving Couples takes place during a night at the San Fernando Valley home of Mitch and Liz Burnett, who have invited three couples to their home for an evening of wife-swapping. The first pair to arrive are Dale and Kathy Osborne, strangers to the Burnetts, who have been invited by their friends, fry and Natalie. Dale is a rising young insurance salesman who looks upon the group as prospective customers. Kathy first notes Mitch's trophies from the Little League Club he coaches. She next reads a scroll proclaiming the Burnetts "Honorary life members of Ye Swingers Club of America," and it is obvious that she
thinks of swingers as high living night club patrons and not in the special sense of married couples who meet to swap partners. Next to appear are fry and Natalie. On entering in' kisses Liz with a familiarity that surprises Kathy Osborne, anti Natalie heads straight for the bedroom where Mitch is dressing for the evening. The sound of squeals indicates a reasonable degree of intimacy within. Mike and Thelma Corey are the last to arrive. Mike has brought a projector and two reels of motion picture film. As the drinks flow, Kathy senses that this is not the type of party she is accustomed to attending. Kathy explodes at the idea of Dale's taking her to this kind of party. He says that it's important for his business that they both play the game and tells her that he is going through with it whether she does or not. Stunned, she will do what he wants. In a scene at the swimming pool Mitch asks Kathy if she has ever attended a swinging party before and she indicates that this is her first such experience. On their returning to the living room a general discussion evolves in which Irv, Natalie, Mitch and Liz explain their theory of wife-swapping to Kathy, claiming that swingers are free of jealousy anti aren't prone to divorce. The group plays spin the bottle to determine who pairs off with whom. Mike shows his film, a very amateurish sex picture. As the screen action progresses, the four couples get cozy together on the floor. Mike and Kathy walk off toward a bedroom. Dale reacts to their departure, but Natalie draws him back into their mutual embrace. During the course of the ensuing scenes Dale and Mike exchange partners. In the master bedroom Mitch and Kathy are having their problems. He apologizes to her for his deficiencies as a lover. The four couples reassemble in the living room, apparently none the worse for wear. But first Da1e asks Natalie if he can have a date some time and she replies that she will see him only under similar arrangements to the present meeting. Mitch invites Dale to be his guest at the country club. At Liz's suggestion they all drive off for breakfast. Kathy spurns Dale's car, preferring to ride with Liz and Mitch. "THE COUPLES IN 'BOB & CAROL & TED & ALICE' ATTEMPT WIFE-SWAPPING BUT THEY CAN'T GO THROUGH WITH IT. IN 'All the Loving Couples,' THEY JUST DO IT." - New York Daily News
Cottage Elms Presents A Milo O. Frank Production Executive Producer Harold Nebenzal Barbara Blakeo Lynn Cartwright Paul Comi Scott Graham Paul Lambert Gloria Manon Jackie Russell Norman Awen As Mitch Produced By Bill Schwartz Directed By Mack Bing Screenplay By Leo V Gordon Original Soundtrack On Crescendo Records Released By U-M Film Distributors Inc. A Subsidiary Of Universal Marion Corporation Color By Movielab Click here for more
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