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Science Fiction
Alien 2: Aliens
1986 Sigourney Weaver
The most deadly, most feared creatures in the universe are back -- and Warrant Officer Ripley has a score to settle with them.
After terrorizing the space ship Nostromo in "Alien," the indestructible creatures have returned to overrun a remote earth colony, leaving one survivor -- a frightened little girl. Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) knows too well the deadly force of the aliens, yet she knows she has to confront them again. This time, she's escorted by a crack squad of space marines, armed with the military's latest high-tech weapons. One by one the marines are wiped out. Soon, only Ripley is left to face the queen of the aliens and save the child from a horrible death. The finale is a high mark in tension and action.
Aliens Production Notes
Referring to Aliens creature design, says producer Hurd: "The first thing we did was to hire two really excellent futuristic conceptual artists, Ron Cobb and Syd Mead, who are preeminent in their field. They were each given various elements of design
problems on which to concentrate. Jim (Cameron) is also an extremely good designer and was able to work with their designs so that they conform to the parameters of the story. In addition Peter Lamont, our production designer, brought in a whole contingent of visually-oriented art directors and craftsmen to follow through on the initial design concepts provided by Cobb and Mead.
"With respect to Creature Design," Hurd continues, "we wanted Stan Winston, who worked with us on 'The Terminator.' He brings to the project not only a terrific conceptual design sense, but also the ability to make it work. And on a film like 'Aliens,' you can have the most brilliant designs in the world, but if they don't work, they are not going to play on film. That is probably the one area that normally gives the studio and producers the most cause for concern, but in this case, it is in very capable hands."
The creature effects in "Aliens" are certainly among the most challenging and ambitious ever conceived. Stan Winston has assembled a team of highly skilled specialists from the United States and Britain to work with him on the film, undoubtedly one of the most exciting projects to date in the field of special make-up effects.
Practical special effects supervisor is John Richardson.
Release Date: 1986
Running Time: 137 minutes
A powerful performance by Sigourney Weaver ("Ghostbusters") earned her an Academy Award nomination.
Directed by James Cameron, creator of the surprise success of 1984, "The Terminator."
Co-stars Michael Biehn, who received critical acclaim for his role in "The Terminator.'
Cast of "Aliens"
Ripley......................... SIGOURNEY WEAVER Newt.......................... CARRIE HENN Corporal Hicks............... MICHAEL BIEHN Burke......................... PAUL REISER Bishop.................... LANCE HENRIKSEN Private Hudson............... BILL PAXTON Lieutenant Gorman.......... WILLIAN HOPE Private Vasquez............... JENETTE GOLDSTEIN Sergeant Apone............... AL MATTHEWS Private Drake............... MARK ROLSTON Private Frost............... RICCO ROSS Corporal Ferro............... COLETTE BILLER Private Spunkmeyer.......... DANIEL KASH Corporal Dietrich.......... CYNTHIA SCOTT Private Crowe............... TIP TIPPING Private Wierzbowski.......... TREVOR STEEDMAN Van Leuwen.................... PAUL MAXWELL Click here for more
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