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The Shining
1980 Jack Nicholson
The Shining tells the story of Jack Torrance, who takes a winter job as caretaker for a remote hotel in the Colorado mountains. His wife and son accompany him, and they find that the hotel is not really "vacant" during the winter months ... stay away from room 237!
CAST of "The Shining" Jack Torrance .................. JACK NICHOLSON Wendy Torrance .................... SHELLEY DUVALL Danny .......................... DANNY LLOYD Hallorann ....................... SCATMAN CROTHERS Ullman .......................... BARRY NELSON Grady .......................... PHILIP STONE Lloyd .......................... JOE TURKEL Doctor .......................... ANNE JACKSON Durkin .......................... TONY BURTON Young woman in bath .................. LIA BELDAM Old woman in bath .................. BILLIE GIBSON Watson .......................... BARRY DENNEN Forest Ranger 1 ................... DAVID BAXT Forest Ranger 2 .................. MANNING REDWOOD Grady Girl ........................ LISA BURNS Grady Girl ....................... LOUISE BURNS Nurse .......................... ROBIN PAPPAS Secretary ....................... ALISON COLERIDGE Policeman ....................... BURN ELL TUCKER Stewardess ....................... JANA SHELDON Receptionist ...................... KATE PHELPS Injured Guest ...................... NORMAN GAY CREDITS for "The Shining" Produced and Directed by .............. STANLEY KUBRICK Screenplay by .......................... STANLEY KUBRICK & DIANE JOHNSON Produced in association with THE PRODUCER CIRCLE COMPANY ROBERT FRYER MARTIN RICHARDS MARY LEA JOHNSON Based upon the novel by ................ STEPHEN KING Executive Producer ..................... JAN HARLAN Photographed by ........................ JOHN ALCOTT Production Designer ................... ROY WALKER Film Editor .......................... RAY LOVEJOY Music BELA BARTOK, HERBERT VON KARAJAN WENDY CARLOS, RACHEL ELKIND GYORGY LIGETI,KRZYSZTOF PENDERECKI Production Manager .................... DOUGLAS TWIDDY Assistant Director .................... BRIAN COOK Costumes by .......................... MILENA CANON ERO Steadicam Operator ..................... GARRETT BROWN Helicopter Photography by ............... MACGILLIVRAY FREEMAN FILMS Assistant to the Producer ............. ANDROS EPAMINONDAS Art Director .......................... LES TOMKINS Make-Up Artist .......................... TOM SMITH Personal Assistant to the Director ...... LEON VITALI Hairstyles .......................... LEONARD Camera Operators ............. KELVIN PIKE, JAMES DEVIS Music Recorded by Deutsche Grammophone Click here for more
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