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1970 Dean Martin
If anyone can keep Lincoln International Airport open during one of the worst blizzards in Midwest history, it is Mel Bakersfeld (BURT LANCASTER), Airport general manager. The worst winter storm to hit the area in 30 years causes emergency upon emergency. One jetliner is hopelessly mired and blocking a vital runway. In a last ditch attempt to extricate the stuck jet, Mel calls in Joe Patroni (GEORGE KENNEDY), tough-talking, cigar-chomping maintenance chief for TWA. In addition to Airport problems, Mel has the added burden of knowing that his marriage to Cindy, (DANA WYNTER) is on the rocks, and he finds solace in the arms of warm and responsive Tanya Livingston (JEAN SEBERG), passenger relations agent for Trans Global Airlines. Just before take-off, Met's brother-in-law, Vernon Demerest (DEAN MARTIN), pilot-captain who, with co-captain Anson Harris (BARRY NELSON), is due to take TGA's Flight 2 to Rome, learns that chief stewardess Gwen Meighen (JACQUELINE BISSET), is pregnant with his child. Although he loves Gwen, he has no desire to divorce his wife Sarah (BARBARA HALE). That
night Guentro (VAN HEFLIN). whose many failures in life have turned him into a dangerous psychotic, decides to relieve his tortured ego in one grandiose gesture. He buys a ticket to Rome, on TGA's Flight 2, an accident insurance policy of $150,000 for his wife, lnez (MAUREEN STAPLETON). He carries a homemade bomb in an attache case and plans to blow up the plane once it is over water. Warned about Guerrero and the bomb, Demerest, Gwen and Mrs. Ada Quonsett (HELEN HAVES), a little old lady stowaway, attempt to disarm him and the bomb explodes. Guerrero is killed, Gwen is seriously injured and a six-foot hole is blown in the back of the plane. Demerest and Harris manage to bring the crippled jet back to Lincoln International Airport safely and land scant seconds after Patroni has successfully taxied the mired jet clear of the runway. BUILD COMPLETE INTERIOR OF BOEING 707 ON STUDIO STAGE FOR SCENES IN Airport Universal's awesome mock-up of a complete Boeing 707 interior, stretching 145 feet from its authentic flight deck along 110 seats to the tail section, became the five-week "off ice" of actors and actresses on a weird flight to nowhere. Under the direction of George Seaton, they were portraying passengers enroute to Rome for some climactic scenes in Ross Hunter's Technicolor and Todd-AO production of the best-seller, Airport. At the controls were Dean Martin and Barry Nelson. Attending the passengers as stewardesses were Jacqueline Bisset, Ena Hartman, Malila Saint Duval, Sharon Harvey and a real-life stewardess turned actress, Patty Poulsen. Among the passengers were such notables as Helen Hayes and Van Heflin. "We tried to create an atmosphere of a jetliner in flight as much as was possible within the confines of a film studio sound stage," producer Hunter said. "Every one of our passengers was given an individual biographical sketch so they knew why they were on this jet flight." Cast Mel Bakersteld ....................... BURT LANCASTER Vernon Demerest ....................... DEAN MARTIN Tanya Livingston ....................... JEAN SEBEAG Gwen Meighen ....................... JACQUELINE BISSET Patroni ....................... GEORGE KENNEDY Ada Quonsett ....................... HELEN HAYES D.O. ....................... Guerrero ....................... VAN HEFLIN Inez Guerrero ....................... MAUREEN STAPLETON Lt. Anson Harris ....................... BARRY NELSON Cindy ....................... DANA WYNTER Harry Standish ....................... LLOYD NOLAN Sarah ....................... BARBARA HALE Crew Produced by ....................... ROSS HUNTER Written and Directed by .................. GEORGE SEATON From the Novel by ....................... ARTHUR HAlLEY Associate Producer ....................... JACQUE MAPES Director of Photography ................ ERNEST LASZLO, A.S.C. Art Directors ....................... ALEXANDER GOLITZEN and E. PRESTON AMES Set Decorations ....................... JACK O. MOORE, MICKEY S. MICHAELS Unit Production Manager ................. RAYMOND GOSNELL Assistant Director ................... DONALD ROBERTS Film Editor ...................... STUART GILMORE Sound ....................... WALOON O. WATSON, DAVID H. MORIARTY, RONALD PIERCE Make-Up ....................... BUD WESTMORE Hair Stylist ....................... LARRY GERMAIN Costumes Designed by ....................... EDITH HEAD Music Composed and Conducted by ....................... ALFRED NEWMAN A UNIVERSAL - ROSS HUNTER PICTURE. Color by TECHNICOLOR Produced in TODD-AO, Developed by The American Optical Company and Magna Click here for more
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