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1977 Roy Scheider
Teaser Storyline for Sorcerer In a hotel room in a South American city, a powerfully built middle-aged man, Nib, (FRANCISCO RABAL), holds a gun on an unseen victim, fires . . . . then swiftly departs. On a busy Jerusalem street, a bank building explodes. Moments later, the police raid an apartment house. One young Arab suspect, being pushed into a waiting patrol wagon, spies Kassem (AMIDOU). "Betrayer, betrayer!" he cries, as Kassem vanishes into the angry crowd. Paris investment banker Victor Manzon (BRUNO CREMER), his firm accused of fraud and his partner, Pascal (JEAN-LUC BIDEA(J),of attempted bribery, insists that Pascal ask his wealthy family for the funds to save them from bankruptcy and prison. Instead, Pascal commits suicide. And Victor has no choice but to run. In Elizabeth, New Jersey, four small-time hoods hold up a church, wounding a priest (NICK DISCENZA). Their getaway ends in a crash from which only the driver, Jackie Scanlon (ROY SCH EIDER), emerges. The priest's brother, a prominent mobster, has ordered a "hit," but Jackie's friends
have arranged his escape: first to the Baltimore docks, after that, no one seems to know. In the village of Porvenir, somewhere in the South American jungles, Jackie is in a dormitory for laborers at the nearby oil refinery. He gazes out the window: filthy makeshift shacks, pig carcasses, careworn peasant women . . . and vultures, always waiting. Victor Manzon is also in Porvenir, eating breakfast at a dismal cafe, the El Corsario. Kassem, as well, has found his way to the dreary village, working waist-deep in mud as a member of a pipe-hauling crew. A DC-3 arrives at the airport outside Porvenir. Among the passengers is Nib. He tells the authorities that he is in transit, but instead of reboarding the plane, he takes a taxi into Porvenir, where he rents a room in the courtyard of the El Corsario. Victor, unsuccessful in selling a gold watchband to leave Porvenir, is drinking with Jackie at the El Corsario. The police enter, examine Jackie's identity card and pronounce it a forgery. But Jackie will not be prosecuted, they say, if he pays the police one-third of his meager earnings at the refinery. At the Poza Rica oil field, some two hundred miles away, a derrick suddenly erupts in flame. Workers flee as blazing rubble shoots skyward and storage tanks explode in rhythmic sequence. As the burned, mutilated bodies of workers are brought back to Porvenir, the tragedy crystallizes the anger of the peasants. Soldiers are clubbed senseless, military vehicles set on fire. The oil company's American representative, Corlette (RAMON BIERI), is sure that the blast was engineered by revolutionary guerillas. His more immediate problem is bringing the fire under control. An expert, Senor Del Rios (CHICO MARTINEZ), says he can snuff out the fire, if he has sufficient explosives. But the only nitroglycerine available has become so volatile that the merest bump will detonate it. And this has to be transported overland along rutted, twisting mountain roads, through nearly impassable jungle. A sound truck calls for volunteers on the streets of Porvenir. Only expert drivers - willing to risk their lives for a way out of the dank village - need apply. Of the desperate men who step forward, four are chosen: Jackie, Victor, Kassem and a German derelict named Angerman (KARL JOHN). Victor negotiates their pay - $10,000 per man and legal residence in the country without police harassment. As the men prepare to depart, Nib stands watching them intently. Angerman is missing. Kassem runs to the German's hut, returning in a frenzy. "Zionist murderer!" he screams, lunging at Nib, who sidesteps him neatly. Angerman's throat has been slashed. That leaves only three drivers, but Jackie has a simple solution. He points at Nib. Jackie's truck turns onto the main road out of Porvenir, crossing the river toward 200 miles of impenetrable jungle. Nib is beside him. Victor and Kassem follow fifteen minutes later. The nitro sways gently in its sawdust beds in each truck. The adventure begins . .
CAST of Sorcerer Scanlon/Dominguez .......................... ROY SCHEIDER Victor Manzon/Serrano .......................... BRUNO CREMER Nib .......................... FRANCISCO RABAL Kassem/Martinez .......................... AMIDOU Corlette .......................... RAMON BIERI Credits for Sorcerer A WILLIAM FRIEDKIN FILM, Sorcerer Directed and Produced by ............. WILLIAM FRIEDKIN Screenplay by .......................... WALON GREEN Based on the Novel .......... "The Wages of Fear" by .......................... GEORGES ARNAUD Film Editor and Associate Producer ........ BUD SMITH Photographed by ............ JOHN M. STEPHENS, DICK BUSH, B.S.C. Production Designer .......................... JOHN BOX Sound Recorded by .......................... JEAN-LOUIS DUCARME Original Music Composed and Performed by ........ TANGERINE DREAM "I'll Remember April" ............... Performed by CHARLIE PARKER Courtesy .......................... Verve Records "Spheres (Movement 3)" ......... Performed by KEITH JARRETT Used under License from .......... Polydor, Incorporated and through Courtesy of ............. ECM Records Art Director .......................... ROY WALKER Set Decoration .......................... BOB LAING First Assistant Director ................. NEWTON ARNOLD Second Assistant Directors ...... AL SHAPIRO, MIGUEL GIL, MARK JOHNSON Production Supervisor ................... IAN LEWIS Production Manager .......................... ROBERTO BAKKER Unit Manager .......................... GERARD MURPHY Dubbing Mixer .......................... BUZZ KNUDSEN Re-recording .......................... BOB GLASS, DICK TYLER Stunt Coordinator .......................... BUD EKINS Costume Designer .......................... ANTHONY POWELL Technical Advisor .......................... MARVIN PECK Film Editor/Music Editor ................... BOB LAMBERT, A.C.E. Sound Effects Editor ...................... CHUCK CAMPBELL Assistant Editors ....................... NED HUMPHREYS, JERE HUGGINS Musical Effects ..................... RON NAGLE, SCOTT MATHEWS Makeup .......................... BEN NYE, JR., BOB NORIN, JOHN NORIN Hairdresser .......................... VERNE CARUSO Script Supervisor .......................... JOHN FRANCO Assistant to the Producer ................ LUIS LLOSA Titles .......................... JEAN-GUY JACQUES Optical Effects .......................... MARV YSTROM Production Services by ............ CINEMA DOMINICANA, S.A. Lenses and Panaflex Camera by .............. PANAVISION Color by TECHNICOLOR
This film is dedicated to H.G. CLOUZOT
Acknowledgement is made to the Navajo Film and Media Commission of the Navajo Tribal Council, whose cooperation made it possible for parts of Sorcerer to be filmed on Navajo lands (in and around Farmington, New Mexico) and to the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Farmington Resource Area, Farmington, New Mexico, for its cooperation in enabling a portion of Sorcerer to be filmed on Federal lands.
RATING: PG RUNNING TIME: 118 Minutes (approx.) RATIO: 1.85 x 1 as of 5 - 23 - 77